Story Excerpt
Pretty Baby

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"Well, aren't you just the cutest damn thing."

Elliot Spencer turned to see the biggest, baldest, sexiest man he'd ever seen smiling down at him. He couldn't believe a man so gorgeous was speaking to him but wasn't stupid. He thrust out a hip and gave one of his carefully practiced poses and he winked at the man.

"I can be very cute but you'll have to make it worth my while. Can you make it worth my while? I can make it worth yours. I'm really good at that, you know, making it worth your while. I can do that."

One dark eyebrow arched on the man's forehead. Elliot felt his skin tingle when a large hand curled around his wrist and pulled him closer. He was suddenly pressed up against a hard wall of male muscles. Elliot's toes curled, his cock hardened behind his zipper. He almost purred. He wanted to purr but that would mean giving up the game before the chase even began.

Elliot trailed his finger down cotton covered abs. He looked up at the impressive man through the soft fall of his bangs. "How cute would you like me to be because I can be really cute when I need to be. I'll bet I can be even cuter than you can imagine." Elliot's head cocked to one side. "Although sexier is better than cute, don't you think?"

He couldn't stop his purr this time. It just slipped out of his lips, pulled by something beyond his control, lust, pure and simple lust. "Would you like to see me do sexy?" he asked as he pressed closer to the man. "I think I do sexy much better than cute, although I can still do cute if you really want me to. Cute is good. Cute is great in fact." Elliot frowned as he looked at the handsome man. He shook his head. "You couldn't do cute. You just wouldn't be able to pull it off. You're too sexy. I'm cute, but you're downright drool worthy. No, sexy is more your line. Maybe I should just stick to cute?"

The amount of hard body he pressed up against was impressive but not as much as the hard shaft he could feel against his abdomen. The finger that lay against his lips stopped Elliot from speaking, but just barely. Elliot was a talker. He knew that, especially when he was nervous.

"Do you ever stop talking?"

Elliot shook his head, his eyes wide. He hoped he hadn't turned the man off by talking too much. It had happened before. Elliot always talked too much. He tried to stop but then he opened his mouth and all bets were off.

"What if I gave you something else to do with your mouth?" He paused, gazing at Elliot speculatively. "Would you stop talking then?"

Elliot blinked. He nodded quickly then thought about it. Staying quiet just wasn't something he could do, not without a gag in his mouth and he didn't want to lie to the gorgeous man in front of him. Elliot's lower lip slipped out into a pout when he shook his head.

The man chuckled deeply. His deep dark silver eyes twinkled as he rubbed the pad of his thumb across Elliot's lower lip. "You have the fullest, plushest lips I've ever seen on a man but I'll bet you hear that a lot, don't you?"

Elliot nodded. What else could he do? He did hear it a lot. He had full sexy plush lips and long girly eyelashes. He was often referred to as pretty, never handsome. The delicate bone structure and soft curves of his body didn't help. He looked like a girl. He even had what he heard referred to as a bubble butt.

The feeling of the man's thumb grazing his lips sent shots of electricity zinging through his body. Unable to stop himself, Elliot stuck his tongue out and licked the man's thumb tentatively. Hot, masculine flavor exploded across his tongue, drowning his senses.

Elliot groaned. Damn! He really wanted to taste the man. He wanted to stop thinking of him as the man. He wanted a name, a relationship status, and then he wanted a flat surface…maybe a wall.

Yeah, a wall would be good, Elliot thought. The big man could push him up against the wall and…a sharp grip on his chin had Elliot's eyes snapping up to meet the man's.

"Where'd ya go, pretty baby?"

Elliot dropped his eyes as his face heated up, both because he had been envisioning the man fucking him against the wall and Elliot didn't even know his name, and because the man called him pretty baby. Elliot liked that.

"Uh uh." A hand under his chin made Elliot look back up. "I want to see those beautiful baby blue eyes," the man drawled. Elliot opened his mouth and gently bit down on the thumb pressing against his lips. He watched the man to see his reaction.

The man's eyes grew openly amused. "You're very oral, aren't you?"

Elliot flushed again but remained silent. It was almost killing him not to talk. He had so much he wanted to say, so much he wanted to ask, but the man seemed to want him to remain silent and Elliot wasn't going to do anything to fuck this up.

It wasn't often that Elliot got the chance to be held up against a body of this man's caliber. Men like him didn't go for men like Elliot. He was too pretty, too feminine, too giggly. If it took him keeping his mouth shut to get the man to hold him a little longer, he'd staple his lips together.

"My name is Nash, Thomas Nash. Most people call me Tommy but you can call me lover." When Tommy tried to pull his thumb out of Elliot's mouth, he protested, refusing to let go until the man arched an eyebrow at him again. Tommy chuckled. "What's your name, pretty baby?"

Elliot opened his mouth to answer then stopped. He stared at Tommy until the man nodded and smiled. "My name is Elliot, Elliot Spencer, but I really like it when you call me pretty baby so if you just wanted to call me that, well…" Elliot shrugged. "I really like it and it would be okay with me, I mean, if that's what you wanted to call me and all. Elliot is fine too, or Ell. Even Spencer, you could call me Spencer but that sounds too much like a first name so that might not be right but—"

Hard lips suddenly slammed over Elliot's, stealing his words and any remaining air in his lungs. Elliot grabbed onto Tommy's shirt and held on as his legs buckled beneath him. His insides jangled with excitement at the feel of Tommy's mouth.

Tommy's lips were hard, searching, his tongue delving deep to explore and clash with Elliot's. The caress of Tommy's lips along his, the feel of the man's hand down the side of his body set Elliot aflame. He burned for Tommy's touch, the feel of his masculine body, just for more.

When Tommy finally lifted his head, Elliot could only stare up at him, dazed. Tommy chuckled and brushed the back of his hand along Elliot's swollen lips. "I do believe I've found a way to keep you quiet, pretty baby."